ball physics
ball count:
Set on select
This mode allows you to edit segments and balls at the same time. To edit the segment, click the edge of the segment and drag to move that point of the segment.
For the balls, there are two ways to edit them. Within edit mode, you can chose to change the ball’s position when one is click and dragged. To do this, the bottom toggle button should say “set position on select”
You can give any ball a certain velocity with a click and drag as well.
This mode allows you to create a ball on click. The ball will be created where your mouse is. If you click and drag, you’ll be able to set the size of the ball as well.
This mode allows you to create a segment on click. Click and drag anywhere on the simulation screen to create the segment.
To remove any item on the simulation screen, just click on it. You can also hold down the mouse button and move it around to remove all the objects the mouse comes in contact with.
Show Controls
This is a simulation that shows uses a 2D ball physics engine that I created from scratch without any physics libraries! Just pure JavaScript. I am also using p5 to display the circles on the canvas.
To modify the parameters, click the show setting toggle at the bottom right. This you allow you to change how the simulation looks, as well as parameters such as gravity, the number of balls, and how they interact.
I followed an incredibly helpful youtube tutorial series by javidx9 which explained the main concepts in detail and demonstrated them in c++. At the moment, there are no other rigid bodies at play because circles are the easiest to calculate without angular velocities. Of course, there are plenty of amazing libraries like matter.js that wouldn’t require you to create a physics library from scratch, but you this was just a project to test myself with.